Mobile Sensing and Systems (msslab)

Graduated PhD Student

  1. Sevendi Eldrige Rifki Poluan
    • Dissertation: Research on Social-aware Robot in an Indoor Environment

Graduated Master Student (Full-time)

  1. Yi-Chien Wu
    • Thesis: Client Attributes-aware Selection using Reinforcement Learning in Federated Learning
  2. Ming-Wei Yi
    • Thesis: A See-through System Using Deep Homography in Vehicular Networks
  3. An-An Li
    • Thesis: Adaptive Annotations of Density Estimation using Deep Learning in Dense Object Counting
  4. Hui-Rou Zhoug
    • Thesis: Learning-based Client Selections Considering Client Similarity in Federated Learning
  5. Argha Orion Silitonga
    • Thesis: Channel Pruning with Hybrid Approaches for Convolutional Neural Networks
  6. Guan-Lin Chen
    • Thesis: Dynamic Clustering Control for Communication-efficient Federated Learning
  7. Min-Hung Cheng
    • Thesis: Robot Trajectory Generation for Approaching a Free-standing Conversational Group Considering Human Body Skeleton
  8. Marvela Victorya Rampengan
    • Thesis: An Interaction-aware CNN-LSTM Model For Predicting Romantic Interests
  9. Chun-Yu Kuo
    • Thesis: Audiovisual Crowd Counting based on Image Inpainting of Crowd Density Map under Complex Scenes
  10. Kuan-Ju Huang
    • Thesis: Missing Traffic Data Imputation Considering Multi-System Data using Generative Adversarial Nets
  11. Ting-Wei Fan
    • Thesis: Traffic Flow Predictions of Transportation Systems using Multi-view and Multi-task Learning
  12. Chang-Hua Chuang
    • Thesis: Audio-Visual Fusion for Conversation Group Detection
  13. Sevendi Eldrige Rifki Poluan
    • Thesis: Using Smart Insoles and RGB Camera for Identifying Stationary Human Targets
  14. Bing-Jie Yuan
    • Thesis: A Lightweight Augmented Reality System to See-through Car
  15. Tai-Lin Kuo
    • Thesis: A Critical-spot Aware Approach for Prediction of Hard Brake Maneuver

Graduated Master Student (In-service)

  1. Hung-Wen Lin
    • Thesis: Enhancing Ship Recognition in Infrared Images through Style-Transformed Image Augmentation
  2. Jai-Wei Wu
    • Thesis: Design and Implement of an AI-powered Desktop Coffee Bean Selection System
  3. Jian-Cheng Gan
    • Thesis: Acoustic-based Placement Recognition of Smart Device using Deep Learning
  4. Tsung-Yen Ho
    • Thesis: Design and Implementation of a Gesture Recognition System using Light Sensors
  5. Shao-Yi Chen
    • Thesis: Research on the Performance Evaluation of Wireless Network Protocols under TaiSEIA 101